Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Trumpism and the deranged anti-Trumpists: Losing Credibility on Both Sides.

It doesn't matter what Trump does there will be two opposite reactions to it. The supporters will hail it as blessed from on High or people will foam at the mouth making garbled sounds in an attempt to throw every Nazi related epithet  at him all at once. Trump is neither the demon or angel you want him to be; He is just Trump. 

It is easy to dismiss the glorifying of Trump. We've seen patriotic, nationalistic leaders before. We'll see them again. He chose that image because it is partly true and because it got him the needed Red State votes to win the Electoral College. Smart move for a so-called dotard. 

The real losers are the Left. They have lost all credibility when it comes to critiquing their opposition. They have done so to the point of violence. It really started under Reagan, then Bush 41 and then it crescendoed with a very great President, Bush 43. Now there is no where to go with their rhetoric. They have been calling people Nazis for decades now so the only natural progression is violence against your dehumanized opponent. If you really believe them to be Nazis like you say, then you should take action, unless you're either lying or you're willing to sit by and watch Nazis take over. Which one is it? Well, they can't lose credibility so they need to progress into violence. Cue Antifa. 

Antifa and the Punch a Nazi campaign is the beginning. Where will this escalate to? Full scale armed assaults on peaceful rallies? If you want to get a viral video, attend these rallies and just wait for the violence to spill over. inevitable.   

Where will it end? Will it end? Will we see Civil war? What of this mass shooting in Vegas? What were his intentions? Shooting a Country Music concert with Trump supporting nationalists? Maybe no intentions other than to kill people. Who knows. 

We need to find common ground. We need to stop dehumanizing our political opponents, our fellow countrymen and realize we are not Nazis. Stop attacking sacred elements of each others' pasts, find common goals for the future we can work together to achieve. Or, lock and load. Your choice. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Racism: How did the Right get so racist

Just a quick post about racism as I read a headline where an MSNBC host says "hard-worker is racist when Republicans say it". Ha, this reminds me of another article I read where someone claims that racism is more prevalent on the Right than the Left. Hm, I wonder why that is?

Is racism really a Right-wing problem? Are they just inherently more racist than everyone else? Is the left-leaning liberal an enlightened, evolved human being, a shinning example to the world? Hardly.

See, what happens is the Left actually believe they are standing on the moral high ground high a-top their high-horse. At this peak, no-one could see things as clearly as they can. So they actually believe the things they say, do and think are not racist.

I've heard Bill Maher, a major left-wing pundit, say "It's not racist if we say it". Those were his exact words. He's said it multiple times so its not a misunderstanding. They actually believe things they say aren't racist yet, they attribute ordinary, everyday words like "hard-worker, clean, articulate ...." to be hidden racist code words. and we all oooo'd and ahhhh'd.

So thats how the Right has become the racist party. Even though MSNBC is constantly going on air to apologize for their racist remarks, even though Raven Samone and to apologize recently about her racist statements made on The View, even though if you get into an argument with a liberal they won't hesitate to call you all manner of bigoted names, the Right is the real racist party because how could anyone hold a candle to Leftwing moralism?

Its been awhile since I've posted. I guess I'm not too interested in developing a cult following on my blog, rather I just need an outlet for all the political speech that tends to heap up inside. I'd rather not post it on a social media outlet for fear of offending someone. Yes, I do fear that. I am not so sure politics is worth losing friends over. I'm not the type to say, either you're with me or against me and then proceeds to isolate myself among only like-minded individuals.

I like contrasting views. It is hard for most people, in my experience, to handle a contrasting viewpoint. People get very emotional about things and feel challenged when someone says something that is not confirming to their bias. I really think a lot of this emotion is based in fear. Fear that they are wrong, won't be able to adequately handle the debate, or they might have to change their worldview.

This insecurity is something I've dealt with before. I know what is going on in the minds of many people because I've been there. If we don't face our ideological fears, we won't ever be able to stand a real conversation that involves varying viewpoints without it descending into fisticuffs. Man I hate fisticuffs. Mainly you know you've reached the lowest point when someone starts making the conversation/debate about you personally, busting out name calling, accusations et al...

I once had a conversation, via FB, about capital punishment. I tried batting around the facts a little bit and when I made it clear I wasn't an easy, uninformed average joe, the name calling started. I was accused of bloodlust and being downright stupid. Of course only an idiot would be for CP. I tried to keep the conversation from being derailed but once you get a liberal riled up, theres no off switch until they feel like they've achieved the moral high ground which they make claim to. I believe they honestly think that no-one can even approach their sense of morality and if they feel the least bit threatened they are ready to throw down (usually that is verbal throw down).

At any rate, this may be boring for you but it has allowed me to get this off my chest. Cheers, best of luck. I am watching the Presidential primary race closely these days. Don't even get me started on Trump. The dudes a clown at a train wreck and everyones' just watching the show. I am really leaning toward Ben Carson. Seems levelheaded and smart enough to handle the job.

So long for now.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Recently watched some youtube videos of economist Thomas Sowell debate some people concerning racial inequality in the law, schools and business. Mr Sowell is a very well educated and intelligent man. He happens to be a black man with conservative views. I won't do a complete biopic but he wasn't always a conservative and in fact admits to being a Marxist in his college years.  

I watched him give a testimony before Congress, Joe Biden to be exact. It was concerning black college student numbers at major universities such as Harvard and MIT. Sowell pointed out that because MIT and Harvard felt the need to fill a certain quota with a certain demographic, the black college students were failing out of the top tier universities instead of excelling at state schools.

Biden questioned Sowell as if this were his personal belief. Sowell had to remind Biden that it wasn't his belief that made this true, it was the numbers. Plain and simple fact. Someone once said, theres math and then everything else is debatable.

You see, Biden derives the facts from his beliefs: Sowell derives his beliefs from the facts. This is a typical contrast between a liberal and a conservative. Sure liberals love to cite facts but they are usually clouded with a personal bias.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Utopian

The Democrats are putting into place what they feel are pieces to the utopia that are missing in our present day but are with in reach if we just get past conservative ideals and policies. Gun control is one of those pieces, and by gun control I mean the complete eradication of the 2nd amendment. This is not even controversial anymore, in fact supporting the 2nd amendment is controversial. There are professors and others calling for the renewal of the constitution. They purpose that we are held back by it, that old white men 300 years ago shouldn't be telling us how to live today, in our "modern" world.

Well, who should be telling us how to live today? The country is very divided on many issues, who would ratify this new constitution? We can't even pass a budget let alone a new constitution.

But it is the constitution that is preventing the liberal elitists from obtaining their utopian vision. I'm guessing it would be one without boring oppressive, in your face religion, without nasty baby killing guns and lots and lots of "free" stuff like healthcare and welfare for all the 99%ers.

The only way that anyone would agree a utopia had been achieved would be through coercion. If we ratify a new constitution, our bill of rights would be demolished. Those AM radio talk shows would be out of business. No political speech other than agreement with the Dear Leader. If you asked a North Korean in Pyongyang what he thought of his country, I'll bet his answer would be something positive. See, the liberal agenda is not unlike that of North Korea's. Everyone in agreement, everyone loving the dear leader, everyone supporting the state and doing whatever is asked of them and those who dare refuse, are whisked away in concentration camps, away from the general public's view so as not to disturb the utopian atmosphere. Just keep repeating, "everything's ok, everything's ok".

See when someone says they are for banning guns, or for gun control, I believe they suffer from delusion because in their mind, a banning of guns would mean every gun everywhere would cease to exist. Like a magic trick, now you see them, now you don't. Because if you made a law banning guns right now, there would be a good deal many law abiding citizen who would unarm themselves so as to avoid becoming a criminal. How many criminals would unarm in order to become a law abiding citizen?

We'll never know if we can achieve a utopia unless we try, right? well, we do know without trying. We know because its been tried many times before and if you believe that you and those like you are different than the rest and you can achieve it this time, you're delusional, please give me your guns.